Managing Diabetes During Pregnancy - Sugar Level in Pregnancy
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Diabetes During Pregnancy: A Comprehensive Guide

sugar level in pregnancy
By Teddyy 9 May 2024
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Pregnancy comes with its own set of challenges. One such challenge is diabetes. Gestational diabetes causes an increased risk of complications for both the mother and the baby. However, with proper care and management, you can minimize these risks.

This article will explore the different types of diabetes, their prevalence during pregnancy, potential complications, and ways to manage sugar levels in pregnancy.

What Are the Different Types of Diabetes?

Typically, there are two types of diabetes, but during pregnancy, it is more common for women to develop  gestational diabetes.

Type 1 Diabetes:

Type 1 diabetes occurs when your body doesn’t produce enough insulin, which is responsible for regulating blood sugar levels.

Type 2 Diabetes:

Type 2 diabetes develops when your body becomes resistant to insulin. This type of diabetes is more common.

Gestational Diabetes:

Gestational diabetes only develops in pregnant women. It usually disappears after pregnancy, but it increases your risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the future. You can check normal blood sugar levels during pregnancy chart later in the blog. Keep reading!

How Common Is Diabetes During Pregnancy?

Studies have shown that the prevalence of gestational diabetes in India ranges from 1.3% to 35%, depending on factors such as age, body mass index, wealth, and geographic location. So, the normal sugar level during pregnancy could be slightly higher. This number is rising due to increasing rates of obesity and prediabetes in women of childbearing age.

How Might Diabetes Affect My Pregnancy?

High sugar levels in pregnancy can be of concern for both the mother and the baby.

For mother

Gestational diabetes causes the following in mothers:

  1. High blood pressure.
  2. Increased risk of infections.
  3. Difficulty losing weight after pregnancy.
  4. Increased risk of future complications from diabetes, like heart disease and kidney problems.

For baby

High sugar level in pregnancy can affect the baby in the following ways:

  1. Increased risk of birth defects.
  2. Macrosomia (a newborn who’s much larger than average).
  3. Risk of stillbirth.
  4. Low blood sugar after birth.
  5. Increased risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes later in life.

Blood Sugar Level Chart For Pregnancy

Monitoring blood sugar levels is crucial for managing diabetes during pregnancy. So, here’s a blood sugar level chart for pregnancy depecting normal sugar levels during pregnancy trimesters:

Trimester Fasting Blood Sugar (mg/dL) One Hour After Eating (mg/dL) Two Hours After Eating (mg/dL)
First 60-90 Less than 140 Less than 120
Second 60-95 Less than 140 Less than 120
Third 60-100 Less than 140 Less than 120

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Prevention from Diabetes

It is possible to maintain a normal sugar level during pregnancy if you take proactive measures to maintain your health.

  1. Maintain a healthy weight

Obesity is a major risk factor for diabetes. So, you need to maintain a healthy weight before you conceive. This will also help relieve symptoms from hormonal changes in pregnancy. It is natural to gain weight during pregnancy but don’t let it go overboard.

  1. Embrace a balanced diet

Eat a balanced diet full of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. Avoid processed foods, unhealthy fats, sugary drinks, caffeine, and alcohol. Meet with a dietician to get a customized diet plan that fits your body’s needs.

  1. Participate in regular physical activity

Aim for at least 30 minutes of activity in a day. This could include:

  1. Yoga
  2. Walking
  3. Swimming
  4. Mild exercises

Don’t push your body during pregnancy. Don’t lie around neglecting exercise, either.

  1. Regular prenatal care

Attend all your prenatal checkups on schedule. Get all the tests done on time. Your doctor will even check for gestational diabetes, so don’t miss any appointments. If you are on any medications, take them regularly. Follow your doctor’s instructions and avoid doing things that your doctor has clearly prohibited.

By applying these strategies, you can maintain the levels as given in the normal blood sugar levels during pregnancy chart.


Gestational diabetes causes some unwanted symptoms in pregnancy, but it is often manageable. Some of the symptoms mentioned in this article are extreme case conditions. You don’t need to worry if your sugar levels are normal.

Your doctor will suggest the best course of action to treat gestational diabetes. So, instead of worrying, focus on preparing for the arrival of your baby. Stock up on essential supplies such as Teddyy Easy Diaper Pants, wipes, and feeding items.

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How do you manage pregnancy complications?

The management of pregnancy complications depends on the specific complication. It may involve regular prenatal care, monitoring of sugar level in pregnancy, following a healthy lifestyle, dietary modifications, or interventions like bed rest.

What are five birth complications?

The five birth complications could be:

  1. Preterm birth – Babies born before 37 weeks of pregnancy.
  2. Macrosomia – A baby is born larger than usual.
  3. Preeclampsia – High blood pressure and protein in the mother’s urine.
  4. Birth defects – Bodily defects in babies.
  5. Fetal distress – Condition where a baby is not getting enough oxygen during pregnancy or delivery.
What is the risk complication of pregnancy?

There isn’t any specific risk or complication associated with pregnancy. There could be different complications depending on pre-existing medical conditions, age, lifestyle choices, and genetic factors. Diabetes is one such factor that can increase the risk of various complications for both mother and baby.

When do most pregnancy complications start?

There’s no fixed timing when pregnancy complications start. Some, like birth defects, can occur early in pregnancy due to uncontrolled blood sugar. Others, like preeclampsia, develop later in the second or third trimester. Keep visiting your doctor to prevent these.

What are 10 serious complications of pregnancy?

Serious complications of pregnancy include:

  1.  Preeclampsia – High blood pressure and protein in the mother’s urine.
  2. Gestational diabetes – Above normal sugar level during pregnancy can lead to other complications.
  3. Placental abruption – Placenta separates from the wall of the uterus prematurely.
  4. Preterm labour – Labour before 37 weeks of pregnancy.
  5. Miscarriage – Loss of pregnancy before 20 weeks.
  6. Maternal haemorrhage – Severe bleeding before, during, or after delivery.
  7. Macrosomia – A baby is born larger than usual.
  8. Amniotic fluid embolism – Amniotic fluid enters the mother’s bloodstream.
  9. Birth defects – Bodily defects in babies.
  10. Ectopic pregnancy – Fertilised egg implanted outside the uterus.


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