8 Months Pregnant: Key Preparations and What to Expect
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8 Months Pregnant: What to Expect & How to Prepare

8 Months Pregnant
By Teddyy 21 Aug 2024
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This stage brings several changes and preparations as you get closer to meeting your baby. It’s a time of rapid development for your little one and important adjustments for your body. Understanding what to expect can help you feel more at ease and ready for the big day. Let’s explore what happens in this Feeling a whirlwind of excitement and nervous anticipation as you step into the 8th month of pregnancy? It’s natural that this final stretch of pregnancy brings a host of new sensations and changes.

What happens in the 8th month of pregnancy?

At 8 months pregnant, your body undergoes significant changes. Some common 8 month pregnancy symptoms include:

  1. Increased Fatigue: As your pregnancy progresses, you may feel more tired due to the growing demands on your body.
  2. Backaches: Many women experience back pain during the 8th month of pregnancy. The additional weight and changes in posture can contribute to discomfort in your lower back.
  3. Swelling in Feet: Swelling or edema in your feet is another common symptom. The growing uterus and increased blood flow can lead to fluid retention and swelling.
  4. Difficulty Sleeping: Finding a comfortable sleeping position can be challenging in the 8th month. Frequent trips to the bathroom and the size of your growing baby can disrupt your sleep.
  5. Increased Hiccups: You might notice more hiccups from your baby as they practice breathing movements. This is a normal part of their development at this stage.
  6. Colostrum Production: Your body begins to produce colostrum, the first form of milk, in preparation for breastfeeding. This early milk production is a key symptom of the 8th month of pregnancy.
  7. Enhanced Sensory Development: By the 8th month, your baby’s senses are developing rapidly. They can hear your voice and may respond to sounds with movements, indicating their growing sensory abilities.

Baby’s Development and Mother’s Physical Changes

Baby’s Development:

Understanding how your baby develops during the 8th month pregnancy can help you better prepare for the changes ahead. Here’s what happens at this stage of pregnancy.

  1. The baby’s brain grows quickly, preparing for life outside the womb.
  2. Lungs are continuing to mature, though they may still need some time to be fully ready.
  3. The baby’s movements might feel stronger and more noticeable.
  4. In the 8 month pregnancy, baby weight is increasing rapidly. Your baby can weigh as much as 2.27kg now.

Mother’s Physical Changes:

Some of the physical changes you might experience as 8 months pregnant symptoms include:

  1. Your belly is much bigger as the baby grows.
  2. You may gain more weight, adding to the physical strain.
  3. Swelling in the feet and ankles can occur.
  4. Your breasts may feel fuller and more tender as they prepare for breastfeeding.

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8th Month Pregnancy Diet Chart

Here’s a 8th month pregnancy diet chart to ensure proper nutrition for you and your baby during this critical stage.

Breakfast Morning & Evening Snack Lunch Dinner
Day 1
Vegetable Upma Banana, Dry Fruits Pulao with Raita Chilla with Dal
Day 2
Wheat Dosa with Chutney Tomato Soup, Oranges Khichdi and Salad Paneer Paratha with Curd
Day 3
Idli with Sambhar Turmeric Milk, Carrot Juice Rotis with Sabji Dosa with Chutney
Day 4
Chapati with Sabji Guava, Banana Milkshake Dosa with Chutney Rice with Sambhar
Day 5
Poha Vegetable Soup, Turmeric Milk Chilla with Sabji Roti with Curry
Day 6
Parathas with Curd Chickoo, Pumpkin Soup Rice with Sambhar Khichdi and Salad
Day 7
Chilla with Sabji Dry fruits,Blueberries Rotis with sabji Pulao with Raita


This 8th month pregnancy diet chart can be adjusted to fit your specific needs and preferences. Consult your healthcare provider for personalised advice.

Preparing for Labour and Delivery

As you move closer to the delivery date, preparing for labour and delivery can feel overwhelming. But taking a few steps can help you feel more ready. Here are some tips:

Educate Yourself:

  1. Take a childbirth class to understand the stages of labour.
  2. Learn about pain relief options and breathing techniques.

Pack Your Hospital Bag:

  1. Include essentials like comfortable clothes, toiletries, and baby items.
  2. Don’t forget important documents such as medical reports, ID proof, etc.

Take Care of Yourself:

  1. Rest as much as you can and eat nutritious foods.
  2. Practise relaxation techniques like prenatal yoga or meditation.

Stay Informed:

  1. Keep regular prenatal appointments to monitor your and the baby’s health.
  2. Ask your healthcare provider any questions you may have.

Remember, every birth experience is unique, and it’s okay to ask for help and support.


As you approach the final weeks of your pregnancy, remember to take care of yourself and cherish these special moments. Trust your body and stay connected with your healthcare provider. Surround yourself with supportive loved ones, and don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it. Your journey to meeting your baby is almost complete, and you’re doing an amazing job!

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Is it dangerous to deliver at 8 months?

Delivering at 8 months can be risky as the baby might need extra care for lung development, but many babies born at this stage do well with medical support.

Is it safe if a baby is born in 8th month pregnancy?

Babies born in the 8th month often require special care, but with advanced medical technology, they have a good chance of survival.

Why is the 8th month of pregnancy critical?

The 8th month is critical because the baby’s organs, especially the lungs, are still maturing and need more time to develop fully. Read the blog to know more details.

What is the condition of a baby in the 8th month of pregnancy?

In the 8th month pregnancy, the baby is growing rapidly, developing organs and gaining weight, preparing for life outside the womb.

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