Linea Nigra – Line on Stomach During Pregnancy: Causes, Myths, and Skin Care Tips
During pregnancy, a deep line is formed on the pregnant woman’s stomach called “Linea Nigra”. A streak in the stomach during pregnancy does not mean anything to be worried about because it is normal and every woman experiences it during pregnancy. This line on stomach during pregnancy gradually fades after the birth of the child. This line is black in color and vertical, which extends from the navel to the pubic area. It is formed due to the increase of hormones.
If you are wondering when does pregnancy line on stomach appear -, then the answer is that this line usually starts appearing in the middle of pregnancy, i.e. around 20 weeks or in the second trimester. This line is already on your stomach but is not visible at first because it is light in color. When it is light in color, it is called “Linea Alba” but it later turns into a dark line on stomach during pregnancy.
What causes line on stomach during pregnancy
You have learned when a line is formed on the stomach during pregnancy (linea nigra) but what is the reason for the formation of this line and When does pregnancy line on stomach appear? Well, there is no exact reason for its formation, but it is believed that it appears due to the increased levels of hormones in your body .
Medical experts believe that a hormone produced by the placenta, which is melanin, causes the black line in stomach during pregnancy. It is believed that melanin gives color to your body and its quantity increases during pregnancy, causing deep lines. However, there is no explanation as to why it only affects certain areas, such as the stomach.
How to prevent lines forming below the navel during pregnancy?
You cannot stop the formation of linea nigra on your stomach that appears below the navel . A streak in the stomach during pregnancy means that hormonal changes are taking place in your body, which cannot be stopped. However, the black line in stomach during pregnancy will gradually fade after your baby is born. To reduce this line, do not go out in the sun, apply sunscreen frequently and avoid activities like waxing as it can harm your skin.
Also make sure that you do not apply creams that will harm your skin. You can hide the dark line on stomach during pregnancy by using makeup and eating food rich in folic acid, as it will reduce the intensity of linea nigra. In conclusion, we can say that lines in the stomach during pregnancy mean that changes are taking place in your body. You cannot stop this deep line, but you can reduce its intensity by adopting some measures.
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Is the pregnancy line visible in everyone?
Yes, almost every woman develops an early pregnancy line on stomach/ a line below the navel during pregnancy, although some women may be exceptions. The intensity of deep lines depends on your skin color; Dark lines (Linea nigra) are more pronounced in women with dark skin than in women with fair skin. This is because dark skinned women have more pigmentation than fair skinned women. If a woman has linea nigra (early pregnancy line on stomach) in her first pregnancy, there is a possibility that this line will form in the next pregnancy also.
Why does Navel come out during pregnancy?
The protrusion of the navel along with Linea nigra during pregnancy is seen during the second trimester or around 20 weeks. When your baby grows in your uterus, it puts pressure on your abdominal walls, causing the navel to protrude. This is very normal and harmless to your body. Ingress of the navel during pregnancy is seen in very few women. A few months after delivery, your navel comes back into place. If your navel sticks out during pregnancy, there is no need to panic, because it is normal.
Bottom line
You should not worry about temporary changes like the line on stomach during pregnancy. When a line is formed on the stomach during pregnancy or the navel going in during pregnancy, etc., because these are not harmful. Take care of your body during pregnancy. Make sure that you regularly massages and moisturize your belly to reduce these Linea Nigra, pigmentation and stretch marks on your belly.
During pregnancy, the line below the navel forms around the second trimester or after 20 weeks. This line is darker than your skin color.
This deep line that forms on the stomach during pregnancy is caused by changes in hormones. There is no need to worry about this as it is absolutely normal.
When the uterus is expanding, it puts pressure on the abdominal walls, causing the navel to protrude outward. This usually occurs during the second or third trimester.
During pregnancy, your stomach becomes tight in the last few months because the baby is growing in your stomach.