4 Months Pregnant : Baby Development and Diet, Food Chart
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4 Months Pregnant: Symptoms, Baby Development and Food Chart

4 months pregnant
By Teddyy 5 Jul 2024
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Entering the 4th-month pregnancy? Congratulations on having the strength and patience to brave through the symptoms of the first trimester and making it to the second trimester!

We have good news for you! Your morning sickness will now reduce gradually. But be ready to eat more because you are going to start experiencing cravings! Curious to know more about being 4th-month pregnant?

Let’s understand what happens while you are 4 months pregnant in detail now.

What happens in a 4th-month pregnancy?

Significant developments occur for both the mother and baby while you are 4 months pregnant.

For the mother, symptoms like morning sickness typically subside, and the baby bump becomes more evident as the uterus expands. You may also notice weight gain and start to experience food cravings and increased appetite.

Internally, the baby’s organs develop rapidly, with their reproductive organs becoming identifiable. By the end of this month, the baby is about 4-5 inches long, weighs around 110 to 140 grams and begins to hear sounds from outside the womb.

So, you can now tell stories to your baby and playfully complain about the trouble they’re causing you!

4th-Month Pregnancy Symptoms

Around the 4th-month pregnancy, you may begin to feel the effects of your growing baby. As your uterus expands daily, your midsection may start feeling tight, signaling the reality of your pregnancy beyond mere bloating or moodiness.

Typical 4th-month pregnancy symptoms include:

  1. Heartburn and indigestion are caused by hormonal changes affecting digestion.
  2. Backaches as your uterus expands, shifting your body’s center of gravity.
  3. Stretch marks, spider or varicose veins, and nasal swelling resulting from increased blood volume.
  4. Shortness of breath due to the uterus displacing other organs and pressing against the diaphragm.
  5. Nasal congestion, irritated or bleeding gums, and constipation, owing to heightened blood circulation and organ displacement.

The body’s heightened blood production, peaking around the fourth month and continuing until approximately 35 weeks, worsens several symptoms.

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Baby Development & Bodily Changes

Here’s how your baby develops during 4th-month pregnancy:

  1. At 4 months, the baby is around 4-5 inches long.
  2. They develop hair and reproductive organs with increasing muscle strength.
  3. Eyes and ears develop, enabling them to hear outside sounds, making it a good time to bond by talking and singing to the baby.
  4. At 4 months pregnant, baby movement can also be felt. So, don’t be surprised when you feel tiny flutters! It is also completely okay if you don’t feel the movements yet. Some babies just take a little more time.

While your baby is developing, your body is also bound to change. Here are some changes you can expect in your body when you are 4 months pregnant:

  1. By this point, you may have begun gaining pregnancy weight.
  2. You are likely to experience fewer bouts of nausea.
  3. You will possibly start having cravings.
  4. Your baby bump becomes more evident.

4th-Month Pregnancy Diet Chart

You have to continue to pay attention to your diet while you are 4 months pregnant as your baby is continuing to grow in you.

Here’s a sample 4th-month pregnancy diet chart you can use for reference.

Breakfast Morning / Evening Snack Lunch  Dinner
Day 1
Besan Chilla with Chutney 8 to 10 Almonds, Nuts, Til Laddu Vegetable Pulao with Raita Rasam Rice with Papad
Day 2
Vegetable Poha Lemon or Ginger Tea, Pumpkin soup Paratha with Veggies Jeera Rice
Day 3
Chapati with Veggies Cucumber, Carrot or Sweet Potatoes, Almonds nuts Roti with Curry Dosa with Chutney
Day 4
Idli Sambhar Til Laddu, Makhana Khichdi with Raita Paratha with Curd
Day 5
Wheat Dosa with Chutney Mixed Fruit Salad, Tomato Soup Lemon Rice with Mint Chutney Rice with Sambhar
Day 6
Upma Turmeric Milk, Oranges Rice with Curry Roti with Veggies
Day 7
Ragi Dosa with Chutney Sprouts Salad, coconut Water Tamarind Rice with Curd Khichdi with Raita

Try to include green leafy vegetables, carrots, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, paneer, tofu, and other nutritious veggies in your 4th-month pregnancy diet as a side dish for chapatis and parathas.

The Bottom Line

Now that you are in the second trimester of your pregnancy, take time to bond with your baby because they can hear you now. It’s okay to give in to junk food cravings, but ensure you get all the essential nutrients by following the 4th-month pregnancy diet chart.

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Can you feel a baby at 4 months?

At 4 months, some expecting mothers can feel fetal movements, called quickening, resembling flutters or gas bubbles.

What is my baby doing at 4 months pregnant?

Your baby at 4 months has developed limbs, facial features and may suck its thumb, but it’s still small, about 4 to 5 inches long.

How is your stomach supposed to feel at 4 months pregnant?

At 4 months, your stomach might feel firmer due to the growing uterus. Read the blog for more details.

What are the symptoms of pregnancy at 4 months?

4th-month pregnancy symptoms include reduced nausea, increased energy, a growing belly, breast changes, and possible skin darkening or stretch marks.

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