6 Months Pregnant: Here’s What You Need to Know
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6 Months Pregnant: Growth, Development, and Bonding

6 months pregnant
By Teddyy 13 Aug 2024
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Six months down! Three more to go. It’s time to start experiencing the kicks of your growing baby and prepare for their arrival. In the 6th month of pregnancy, you will experience some heartburn, hot flashes, and backaches. But you will feel energized to enjoy the wonder of your baby.

It is growing rapidly, with its lungs getting ready for the outside world and its taste buds developing. It’s all very interesting. Your responsibility is to take care of yourself with a healthy diet and mild exercise. Your baby’s health will follow.

6 Months Pregnant Symptoms

At six months, your baby is growing and developing quickly. You should expect the following 6 months pregnant symptoms by the end of your second trimester:

  1. Back Pain: As your belly grows, your center of gravity shifts. This causes strain on your back, and you might feel like you are carrying a heavy backpack 24×7, causing back aches.
  2. Swelling: Your body is holding onto extra fluid, which can cause puffiness. Make sure to prop those feet up and relax whenever you can.
  3. Heartburn and Indigestion: The growing uterus pressing against your stomach can cause discomfort. Heartburn and indigestion can feel like unwelcome visitors during your pregnancy journey. Just remember, it’s all part of the process.
  4. Braxton Hicks Contractions: These are false contractions that may start around this time. They’re like a bit of a practice run for the real thing. Don’t worry; they’re usually harmless!

6 Month Pregnancy – Baby Development

Your baby achieves new feats, and you are in for some exciting communication with the baby. You will start noticing baby’s minor movements and sleep timings at six months. Your baby’s growth will include the following:

  1. Size and Weight: Your little one is growing quickly. 6-month pregnancy baby weight is around 0.6 to 0.9 kg and your baby is about the size of a ruler (30 cm).
  2. Hearing: Their ears are tuning in! They can totally hear what’s going on outside their cosy little world. Talk to them or sing a soothing song and see how they respond.
  3. Movements: Your baby’s putting on their football shoes, so brace yourself for some twists and kicks.
  4. Sleep Cycles: Your baby starts practising those long nap times. Try not to move a lot when they are asleep. Trust us, you’ll know when they sleep because you will see a lot of movement when awake.

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You are growing a human in there, so it’s important to get all the nutrition you can. Consume healthy foods throughout the day and try to maintain a nutritional diet. This is the best time to start including calcium-rich foods in your diet to strengthen your bones. We have included a sample diet plan in the section below. You will need that strength at the time of natural delivery.

Your primary focus should be on satisfying your hunger. Say bye to midnight cravings by eating a healthy dinner. It’s natural to put on weight with all this extra food, but you can focus on burning the fat after delivery.


When someone says workout, we always imagine a woman running or lifting weights. But you shouldn’t do any heavy exercises in the 6th month of pregnancy. Say no to cardio and weight training sessions. Instead, go for walks, do yoga, or get a yoga ball to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. Some women just do common household chores, and that’s enough exercise. The important thing is to never remain still. Keep moving as much as you can throughout the day without tiring yourself.

Emotional and Mental Well-being

At 6 months pregnant, you must focus on processing your emotions calmly. It’s very important that you maintain your mental and emotional well-being.

  1. Practice breathing exercises every morning and whenever you feel overwhelmed.
  2. Talk to a professional therapist if you feel overwhelmed a lot.
  3. Try to do yoga if you can. Nothing complex, just a few simple exercises.
  4. Walking does wonders! Seriously. Go for a walk every once in a while.
  5. Get enough sleep. Finding a good sleeping position with a huge belly could be difficult. So, use pillows to support yourself. Sleep during the day if you want to – no one’s going to bother a mom-to-be.

6th Month Pregnancy Diet Chart

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
Grilled Paneer Sandwich and Orange Juice Wheat Porridge (Daliya) with Walnuts, Figs (Anjeer), and Milk Tomato and Cheese Sandwich and Almond Milk Capsicum and Onion Uthappam, Tomato Chutney, and Buttermilk
Snack 1
Fruit Milkshake/ Smoothie/ Curd Sesame (Til) Laddoo Tender Coconut Water and Boiled Egg Dates (Khajoor) Milkshake
Kadhi, Pudina Aloo Sabzi with Rice Black-eyed Peas (Lobhia) Curry, Carrot and Cucumber Salad, Chapati, and Buttermilk Matar Paneer Curry, Stuffed Brinjal, Chapati or Rice Mixed Vegetables in Coconut Milk and Curd Gravy, Sweet Potato Masala Dry and Rice
Snack 2
Almond Milk and Makhana Lassi and Vegetable Samosa Chhole and Soya Chaat and Masala Buttermilk Orange Juice and dry fruits (in moderation)
Curd Rice, Mixed Vegetables Sabzi, and Roasted Papad Rajma, Karela, Anaar Raita, Chapati/ Rice Paneer Parantha and Green Mango Chutney Mutton Curry, Onion Raita, Chapati/ Rice


The 6th month of pregnancy is a really exciting part of the journey. All those kicks are a fun experience, as your baby is gearing up to be out in the world.

But don’t start worrying. Relax and enjoy the journey. We know it could be scary, but with regular doctor’s check-ups, a healthy diet, and light exercise, you can do just fine. So, take it easy!



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What is my baby doing at 6 months pregnant?

At 6 months, your baby starts to move around in the womb. You will start to feel slight movements here and there. Their hiccups are more prominent than before. They will also start developing a sleep and waking cycle.

Can you feel the baby at 6 months?

Yes, you can feel minor movements of your baby at 6 months pregnant. You won’t feel the full-blown kicks yet; they usually start in the 7th month of pregnancy. But you will feel them stretching or slightly changing positions.

What to do during the 6th month of pregnancy?

During the 6th month of pregnancy, continue to focus on a healthy diet, regular exercise, and adequate rest. Take a prenatal education class to learn about labour, delivery, and newborn care. And start preparing for your baby’s arrival.

How to feel the baby’s movement in the 6th month?

The 6th-month pregnancy baby weight is enough to feel their movement. Try to relax and sit in a calm environment. Put on some light music because some babies respond to it. Gently place your hand on the belly without applying any pressure, and you might just feel the baby move.

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