Understanding 9 Months Pregnant Symptoms & Baby Growth
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9 Months Pregnant: Symptoms, Baby Development, and Self-Care

9 months pregnant
By Teddyy 22 Aug 2024
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Along with that, you need to focus a bit more on nutrition and exercise. You also need to start preparing for the delivery. We are going to cover all of this in this blog.

What Happens in the 9th Month of Pregnancy?

Let’s start with what actually happens in the 9th month of pregnancy. We are not talking about the baby here. These 9 months pregnant symptoms are focused on you.

  1. Frequent Bathroom Visits: The pressure on your bladder is at its highest in the 9th month of pregnancy. You might even have to urinate every hour. If you are on bed rest or have difficulty quickly reaching the toilet, then you should consider maternity pads such as Friends Maternity Pads or adult diapers such as Friends Premium Adult Diapers.
  2. Backache: That feeling where you cannot sit because your back hurts too much will intensify in the 9th month.
  3. Belly Drop: Your belly drops low when your baby moves downward to get ready for birth. This is a relief for your lungs, as the pressure there is reduced. Instead, your bladder is going to be under more pressure.

Foetal Development at 9 Months Pregnant

Your baby is almost fully developed in the 9th month of your pregnancy. It is about 19 to 21 inches in size and could weigh somewhere between 2.7 and 4 kg. So, your  9 months pregnant belly is very huge. It’s unlikely that it will grow more in size because the feotus’s development is almost complete.

It is mostly learning to survive in the outside world by practising breathing, keeping a sleep cycle, moving around its limbs, adjusting to the light, and responding to sounds and voices.

You will be able to interact a lot with your baby, as their instincts are almost fully developed. They might respond to your touch and voice eagerly, or they might even initiate the communication with simple kicks.

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9th Month Pregnancy Diet Chart

A healthy diet is vital in all months of pregnancy. But at 9 months pregnant, it becomes even more important as your body needs to be healthy for the delivery. So, here’s a sample 9 month pregnancy diet chart that includes all the essential nutrients your body needs.

Breakfast Lunch Evening Snack Dinner
Day 1
Moong Dal chilla +pudina/coconut chutney Mutton biryani + Cucumber onion Raita Sweet potato salad +  light tea Wheat dosa + bitter gourd sabji
Day 2
Wheat dosa + Tomato sabji Rice + Chicken + Broccoli sabji Mixed fruit salad Moongdal chilla +pudina/coconut chutney
Day 3
Veggie-rich sevai or upma + parathas Mutton biryani + Cucumber onion Raita Dry fruits Multigrain toast with sunny side up eggs
Day 4
Oatmeal + boiled eggs Rice, Mutton + masoor daal Mixed fruit salad Veggie-rich poha + moong dal chillas

Activities You Can Do at 9 Months Pregnant

With a 9 months pregnant belly, your motion is pretty limited. Still, there are a few activities you can do.

  1. Walk: Take a walk in your yard or on the terrace. Even 15 minutes of walking a day is enough. You will even get some fresh air. However, try to avoid the stairs as they might be difficult to climb with a 9 months pregnant belly.
  2. Prenatal Yoga: Yoga is an excellent choice to enhance overall health. You don’t have to do those difficult yoga poses. Simple Balasana, Trikonasana, etc., are sufficient to manage 9 months pregnant symptoms.
  3. Kegels: Kegels are pelvic floor exercises that strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. And trust us, you need them to be strong right about now because then, you will have a better experience of giving a natural birth.

Preparing for Labour and Delivery

It’s time to discuss your birth plan, pack your hospital bag and baby supplies, and prepare yourselves for the labour. Talk to your gynaecologist to discuss the safest birth plan for you.

Keep a hospital bag ready with the following items for you and the newborn.

  1. Towels
  2. Clothes
  3. Medical files
  4. Baby clothes
  5. Good quality new born diapers like Teddyy Easy Tape Diapers
  6. Wet wipes such as Teddyy Wet Wipes
  7. Sanitiser
  8. Toiletries
  9. Healthy snacks and drinks
  10. Earplugs and scarf
  11. Maternity pads


You must be getting goosebumps for what’s to come next but try to stay as calm as possible. Keep in touch with your doctor. They must have assigned you a delivery date by now. So be ready. But don’t panic if your baby doesn’t arrive on the expected date. Just stay calm and trust your doctor.

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How does a 9-month pregnant woman feel?

Being in the 9th month of pregnancy is an amazing feeling. You will be excited, tired, overjoyed, and nervous at different times. You will be anticipating your baby’s arrival and, at the same time, anxious about the delivery process.

What should a baby be doing at 9 months pregnant?

A baby at 9 months pregnant should be in a head-down position for birth. You might even be able to track this movement – just keep your hands on the belly and try to calmly follow their movements.

What is the position of the baby at 9 months?

Most babies at 9 months assume the head down position, which means their head is down near your vagina and legs and up near your stomach. But some babies don’t come into this position. Sometimes, doctors can help the baby come into this position by rotating them lightly.

Which week starts a 9-month pregnancy?

The 9th month of pregnancy starts at 36 weeks and lasts up to 40 weeks. Sometimes, it extends up to 41 weeks if you are overdue, but the starting point remains the same.

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