Recovery after caesarean: The first 6 weeks - Teddyy Diapers
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Recovery after Caesarean: The First 6 Weeks

Recovery after caesarean first 6 weeks
By Teddyy 31 Jan 2023
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It’s finally time for you to meet your baby that’s been growing inside your belly for the past nine months! Now you will make all the time in the world to spend with your little one whose only way of communicating was kicking hard.

While childbirth can be exciting, it can also be extremely tolling on your body, especially if you had a caesarean delivery (C-section) rather than a normal vaginal delivery. Since C-section is a major surgery, it can take as long as 4 to 6 weeks to make a full recovery. Caring for yourself and your wound from C-section delivery is also very important to make celebration merrier.

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Teddyy Baby Diapers is every ma’s best friend.

In this blog, we are going to take a look at how your C-section recovery will look like and how you can expect things to progress.

Your feelings after caesarean birth

Some mothers will feel just fine after a C-section delivery, but some mothers will feel disappointed at themselves for not being able to give birth vaginally, especially if the C-section delivery was unplanned for. This change in plans at the last moment can be a source of great shock and depression for a lot of mothers.

But, whatever your feelings are, they are OK. As long as you don’t bottle them up and suffer alone. Talk with your partner and loved ones about your complicated feelings.

There are also many doctors and counsellors who can help you sort out your feelings toward caesarean birth. If you feel more comfortable expressing your feelings to people who don’t know you, you can surely give it a try.

Bleeding after caesarean

Even if you’ve had a C-section delivery, you will still have vaginal bleeding for the first 6 weeks after childbirth. This is how your body discharges all the extra tissues and blood your it developed during pregnancy.

This bleeding might be quite heavy in the very first week and should gradually become lighter and completely disappear by the 6th week after childbirth.

But if your bleeding doesn’t stop even after the 6-week period, contact your doctor.

Also contact your doctor if you are soaking through a sanitary pad in an hour or see a lot of blood clots in your discharge, this is not normal and could be a sign of something more.

Pain relief after caesarean

It’s completely fine to take pain relievers after childbirth. This might’ve come as a surprise to you, but we believe it was a good kind of surprise.

But can we really take pain relievers even if we’re breastfeeding? Yes, you can. Some pain relievers are completely safe for breastfeeding mothers and their babies! Just ask your doctor and they will take care of everything from there.

Practical help after caesarean

You will definitely need help with any work that includes stretching and lifting because of your caesarean wounds. Again, it’s completely fine to ask your partner, friends and family for help during the period of recovery.

Don’t feel bad about asking others to carry your weight, you have carried a lot of weight in the past 9 months and your friends and family will understand this. In fact, they will be glad that you reached out to them because being able to help your loved ones when they need it is a privilege.

Exercise, food and sleep after caesarean.

Exercising, eating well, and getting enough sleep can make all the difference you need in your life post birth. You don’t want to spend the months feeling sore and tired instead of spending them with your little one, do you? Then take care of yourself!

  1. Start with a 5-minute walk around the house and ask your doctor to recommend you some good exercises during your recovery.
  2.  Eat healthy and plenty, there are many special diet charts floating around the internet for caesarean mothers, you can take a look at those to clear your doubts about what’s good for you and what should stay out of your plate or simply consult your doctor.
  3.  Try to get as much sleep as possible. Life with a newborn can be very chaotic and tiring, so try to rest your eyes whenever your little one sleeps.

Life after C-section can be hard and you might feel guilty about having to rely on others in the first few weeks, don’t. Taking care of yourself in this 6-week C-section recovery time is very critical for you and your baby in the long run.

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