Staying Active in Your First Trimester: Pregnancy Exercises
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The Safest and Most Effective Pregnancy Exercises for the First Trimester

Pregnancy Exercises
By Teddyy 15 Oct 2024
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Pregnant women should not work out. It will harm the baby.” You may hear such pieces of advice throughout your pregnancy journey. While they may come from a place of love and concern, not everything you hear is true. And when it comes to pregnancy, it is better to make well-informed decisions.

The myth that pregnant women should not exercise has been around for too long, and it is high time to put that to rest. If you do not have any specific instructions from your doctor on not exercising, then it is perfectly alright to add safe exercises for pregnant women into your routine. Adding exercises daily during your pregnancy can prove to be very beneficial.

The Importance of Staying Active in the First Trimester

If you have been relatively active before your pregnancy, you need not stop it now.

Being active with low-impact yet practical pregnancy exercises will be highly beneficial in many ways during your pregnancy and postpartum. Some benefits of staying physically active during pregnancy include:

  1. Reduced risk of pre-eclampsia (a condition that causes high blood pressure and other complications)
  2. Maintained body weight and flexibility
  3. Improvement in mood and sleep
  4. Lesser risk of gestational diabetes and hypertension
  5. Reduction in stress and anxiety
  6. Lesser risk of constipation and back pain
  7. Lesser delivery complications
  8. Reduced occurrence of postpartum depression

You should discuss the pregnancy exercises in the first trimester with your consulting doctor to confirm whether it is entirely safe for you to do. Only in a few cases with some pregnancy-related complications or contradictions is it not advisable.

Safe Exercises to Try During the First Trimester

Pregnancy exercises in the first trimester that are easy and safe to follow include:

  1. Walking
  2. Swimming
  3. Water aerobics
  4. Cycling (Stationary is even safer)
  5. Climbing stairs (Average pace)
  6. Using an Elliptical machine

Activities such as yoga, pilates, and Kegel exercises can also be included after a professional consultation and done under supervision if learning them for the first time. High-impact exercises like weightlifting, aerobics, running, etc., should be done only after a consultation with your doctor and under supervision.

Exercises to Avoid During the First Trimester

Some exercises and activities are hazardous to both you and your growing baby. So, stay away from these activities during your first trimester of pregnancy:

  1. Horse riding
  2. Skiing
  3. Scuba Diving
  4. Trampoline
  5. Basketball, Volleyball, Football and such high-impact contact sports
  6. Planks, crunches, push-ups and sit-ups

Also, exercises that are to be avoided are:

  1. Those that put too much pressure on your pelvic floor
  2. Exercises that involve holding your breath
  3. Workouts that involve you lying on your back
  4. Activities involving bending a lot, back-bending, twisting, bounding, jumping, hopping, stretching, or skipping
  5. Exercises that have you lying on your right side for long periods
  6. Activities that require sprinting, agility or a lot of running
  7. Exercises that involve deep knee bends, double leg raises, head-stands and squats
  8. Hot Yoga

Exercising during hot weather is also not advisable for pregnant women. Sticking to the safe pregnancy exercises discussed before and doing them under safe conditions must be your priority.

Tips for Modifying Your Exercise Routine

If you have been a physically active person prior to pregnancy and have been doing heavy workouts, you can modify your exercises to suit your pregnancy journey better. Keeping in mind the little baby growing inside you, you must change your physical workouts.

  1. Pregnancy exercises in the first trimester should not be too heavy or put a lot of stress on your body. Do the safe exercises discussed in the previous sections.
  2. Ensure you start with a warm-up before your exercise routine. Once done with the workout, you should also do a cool-down routine.
  3. For the final five minutes of your workout, switch to a slower pace and stretch out all your tighter muscles.
  4. Hydrate yourself well. Keep healthy snacks with you in case you need an instant energy boost.
  5. Heart rate should be optimally within 110-120, and another way to keep that in check is to work out at a pace where you can still have a normal conversation.

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Listening to Your Body: When to Stop or Seek Medical Advice

While doing your 1st trimester exercises, keep a close watch on how your body feels. Whatever exercise or activity you do, do it at a comfortable pace. Switch pace or take breaks if it gets too overwhelming at any point. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes during the workout sessions.

It is necessary to stop exercising immediately if you feel any discomfort in the middle of a workout, such as:

  1. Difficulty breathing
  2. Dehydration
  3. Nausea
  4. Dizziness
  5. Headache
  6. Feeling too hot
  7. An elevated heart rate

It is highly essential to seek immediate medical advice if you experience any of these:

  1. Chest congestion or pain
  2. Loss of consciousness
  3. Pelvic or abdominal pain
  4. Vomiting or diarrhoea
  5. Increased or slow pulse rate
  6. Calf pain/swelling
  7. Vaginal discharge or bleeding


While adding first-trimester exercises to your daily routine during pregnancy, it is best to remember the do’s and don’ts we have discussed so far. It is also necessary to keep your doctor in the loop about your exercise regime, as they can give the best input per your medical condition and your baby’s growth.

Postpartum, you will face many changes in your body, so make the most of your precious pregnancy journey and cherish it. You can be prepared for the arrival of your little bundle of joy by purchasing our Teddyy Diapers in advance and shed the worries of diaper leaks and rashes. There is a wide range of tape-style and pant-style diapers, nappy pads, baby wipes, and changing mats to make your baby feel the most comfortable and clean. For your post-delivery exercises, check this blog to learn more.

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