What to eat after C-section for fast recovery
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What to Eat After C-Section for Fast Recovery? Here are 8 Foods to Try!

By Teddyy 28 Aug 2023

Bringing a new life into the world is as beautiful as it is challenging. For some women, a C-section is the best way to deliver their baby. And if you’re one such new mom, you would know that while this surgery can be lifesaving, it can also be a major undertaking for the body. And this is the time when caring for yourself becomes just as important as caring for your baby.

While medicines and supplements certainly have their place in your recovery, we must simply not underestimate what a healthy diet can do. This blog will help you understand what foods to eat after C-Section for fast recovery and how to plan a diet fit for a healing mom.

What to Eat After C-Section for Fast Recovery?

Here are 10 types of foods commonly found in Indian cuisine that can help support your fast recovery and weight loss after a C-section:

  1. Protein-rich foods like chicken, fish, eggs, and lentils are essential for wound healing and muscle repair. They are also filling, so they can help you feel satisfied even if you are only eating small meals. If you’re a fan of lentils, you could try making a lentil soup or dal, which are both easy to digest. Plus adding proteins in your postnatal diet helps you regain your strength and get back to your normal life quicker.
  2. Fibre-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are important for keeping your bowels regular. This can be especially important after a C-section, when you may be taking pain medication that can constipate you. Fibre-rich foods also act as laxatives and help in easier digestion. Some fibre-rich food after c-section include – Lentils, chickpeas, black beans, kidney beans, almonds, peanuts, chia seeds, and pumpkin seeds.
  3. Iron-rich foods like red meat, poultry, and beans can help prevent anaemia, which is a common problem after a C-section. Maybe it’s time you try a spinach salad with chickpeas. Iron in your
  4. Vitamin C-rich foodslike citrus fruits, strawberries, and broccoli can help to boost your immune system and promote wound healing. A glass of orange juice or eating a bowl of strawberries is not only tasty but filled with goodness for your body. Vitamin C protects your cells and body from harmful micro-organisms. Ensure you include enough Vitamin C in your diet plan after c-section delivery.
  5. Vitamin A-rich foodslike carrots, sweet potatoes, and spinach are important for cell growth and repair. You could make a carrot halwa or a sweet potato curry. These dishes are both delicious and nutritious.
  6. Magnesium-rich foodslike leafy green vegetables, nuts, and seeds can help to reduce inflammation and improve muscle function. You could start with a spinach omelette for breakfast or sip on some delicious smoothie with spinach, berries, and yoghurt throughout the day.
  7. Zinc-rich foods like oysters, red meat, and poultry can help to boost your immune system and promote wound healing. A juicy chicken salad or a mushroom and garlic soup are packed with zinc nutrients.
  8. Probiotic-rich foods such as curd, offer a range of benefits, including the potential to diminish post-operative sepsis, expedite wound healing, and enhance immune function.

Staying hydrated with water, herbal teas, and nurturing your body with traditional postpartum dishes like khichdi and suji halwa can be wonderfully comforting too.

C-section is a complex process to undergo for any mother and it can take a major mental and physical toll on mothers. Once you have a c-section, it is essential that you maintain a healthy intake of nutrients and vitamins. And don’t hesitate to ask for help with everyday work and your baby. Additionally, consult doctors and dieticians for a better insight into food intake.

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After a C-section, the body is weak and needs extra care, vitamins and nutrients to recover. Your diet should be balanced with proteins, zinc, magnesium, and calcium. You’ll get these minerals and vitamins only when you include various fruits and vegetables in your postnatal diet.

When the body goes through something as strenuous as a C-section after carrying a baby for 9 months, the muscles, bones, and systems tend to weaken. An unhealthy diet or a lack of proper care can lead to a worsening of the system. Along with taking the right food after C-section, it is important to rest, relax and focus on yourself.

The diet plan after a C-section Delivery should be curated according to your body and your baby’s. Whatever you eat affects the milk you produce, so ensure that you are putting all the right things in your body. Your baby is dependent on you. Let’s see an example of a diet chart you can make for yourself –

Following a C-section, prioritize a nourishing diet to aid recovery. enjoy balanced meals rich in proteins, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Stay hydrated and opt for nutrient-packed snacks. In case you’re looking for help to plan your diet, this diet is perfect to fasten your recovery and weight loss after C-Section.

Diet Plan-01

Please note! Always consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet, especially after a C-section.

Indian Diet Chart after C-section Delivery

Food should be given importance for recovery after a C-section, but recipes and meals shouldn’t become a hassle for you. Here’s a diet plan after a C-section Delivery. Having a diet plan in place makes it easier to plan your meals, balance nutrients, buy groceries, and recover better.

Day Breakfast Lunch Snacks Dinner
Monday Upma/ Omelette  with vegetables Roti, dal, and mixed vegetable sabzi Fruit salad Paneer   with rice
Tuesday Poha (flattened rice) with peanuts Rice, lentils, and spinach curry Sprouts chaat Grilled fish with dal and roti
Wednesday Idli with sambar and chutney Chapati with chicken curry Nuts and seeds mix Vegetable pulao with raita
Thursday Palak paratha with yogurt and pickle Rajma (kidney beans) with rice Fruit smoothie Egg curry with roti/rice
Friday Vegetable dalia (broken wheat) Chicken curry with rice and curd Roasted chickpeas Grilled chicken and salad
Saturday Moong dal cheela (pancake) Vegetable pulao with veggies and low-fat curd Coconut water and nuts Sauteed vegetables with roti
Sunday Besan chilla (gram flour pancake) Masoor dal (red lentils) with rice Fresh fruit salad Paneer bhurji with roti

Foods to eat after a C-section

After a C-section, the things that should be given utmost attention are recovery, milk production and gaining back strength. Keeping these in mind, you must have a nutrient-rich diet.

Easily digestible vegetables like pumpkin, bottled gourd, sweet potatoes, drumsticks, carrots, beans, etc., are highly recommended as they provide essential nutrients to the body without putting much strain on the digestive system.

Foods like oats, papaya, watermelon, garlic, ginger, leafy vegetables etc. help in milk production. This ensures you and your little one , both grow healthy.

And for gaining back your strength, you should have protein-rich food like dal, chia seeds, milk, cheese, etc. You can also add fish and eggs to your diet in moderation for your protein intake. Plus, don’t forget your greens, fruits and fluids for other minerals like zinc and magnesium.

Remember that fruits are a must-have in your diet plan after C-section delivery. Some fruits to eat after C-section delivery are papaya, banana, grapes, avocadoes, watermelons and berries because they are rich in antioxidants, minerals and water. These ensure that your body stays hydrated, reduce inflammation in wounds and help you heal faster.


After a C-section, your body embarks on a special journey of healing, so choosing the right diet is like giving it a helping hand.

Below are some foods to avoid after cesarean delivery:

  1. Highly Processed Foods:

    Steer clear of overly processed foods loaded with preservatives and additives. Your post-C-section recovery deserves nourishing options.

  2. Excessive Sugary Snacks:

    Skip those sugary snacks for now. Post-surgery, stable energy levels can be more beneficial than the highs and lows from excessive sugar.

  3. Spicy Foods:

    Besides avoiding super spicy options, be mindful of foods with strong spices. Your tummy may appreciate a gentler approach.

  4. Citrus Fruits and Juices:

    Hold off on the citrus for a bit. The acidity might not be the best for your stomach during the recovery phase.

  5. Large Quantities of Dairy:

    Keep an eye on your dairy intake. Too much might not sit well during your recovery. 

  6. Alcohol:

    It’s wise to put a pause on alcohol for now. It could interfere with medications and the healing process. Your body’s working hard on recovery, so let’s give it the support it needs.

And for all your baby’s tummy problems, pick the best diapers for newborns in India– Teddyy taped diapers, so you get to spend more time taking care of yourself and less on changing diapers every other hour.

And remember! Your recovery is a unique journey, and it’s okay to ask for help and nourish yourself with foods that make you feel good. Always consider reaching out to healthcare professionals for guidance and allow yourself the time and care you deserve. Thank you for reading.

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What foods help you heal faster after C-section?

Consuming a well-balanced diet rich in nutrients can aid in your C-section recovery. Focus on foods high in protein, vitamin C, vitamin A, and zinc, as these nutrients promote tissue healing and immune function. Include lean proteins (chicken, fish, beans), whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats (avocado, nuts, olive oil) in your diet.

How can I speed up my C-section recovery?

To accelerate your C-section recovery, prioritize rest, proper wound care, and a healthy lifestyle. Follow your healthcare provider’s instructions, engage in gentle postpartum exercises when cleared by your doctor, stay hydrated, and consume a nutritious diet. Adequate sleep and stress management also play a crucial role in a swift recovery.

Is milk good after C-section?

Yes, milk and dairy products can be beneficial after a C-section. They provide calcium and protein, which are essential for bone health and tissue repair. Opt for low-fat or non-fat dairy options, unless advised otherwise by your healthcare provider.

Can I eat curd after C-section?

Yes, you can consume curd (yogurt) after a C-section. Yogurt is a good source of probiotics, calcium, and protein. These can aid in digestion, boost your immune system, and contribute to overall recovery. If you didn’t have any dairy-related complications before the C-section, curd can be a part of your post-surgery diet.

What should I avoid after C-section?

After a C-section, avoid heavy lifting, highly processed foods, spicy/gassy foods, and limit alcohol/caffeine intake to support healing and prevent discomfort. Follow your healthcare provider’s guidance for a smoother recovery.

Can I eat omelette after C-section?

Absolutely! Omelettes are completely safe for mothers to eat as eggs after a C-section are a good addition to your postnatal diet. In fact, Eggs are rich in proteins and are an excellent source of vitamins A, B12 and D. They also contain minerals like selenium, zinc and phosphorus. These are essential nutrients that aid wound healing and speed up the recovery process.

Can I eat potato after C - section?

No, avoid potatoes in your diet after a c-section delivery for the first 3-4 weeks. They can cause gas and bloating, which can hinder your healing process and cause discomfort and sometimes, pain. It’s fine to have a little bit of sweet potato in your diet as it is rich in fibre which acts as a laxative and aids in digestion.

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